The Barococo Series by Borrowed Earth has received the prestigious honor of being chosen as a Winner for the 2024 NYCxDesign Awards! This entire series, consisting of four renowned tile textures–Strip, Split, Flow, and Twig–is now an industry recognized winner in the Stone + Tile Wall Coverings category.
Click here to watch the full awards ceremony (skip to 35:30 to see Barococo win)!
Webster’s defines Barococo as “excessively ornate or fussy in artistic or architectural style.” One of Borrowed Earth’s more ornate series, these modular surfaces are ideal for the facades and other accent walls.
Aligned with our commitment to achieving zero-waste production, the Barococo Series exemplifies Borrowed Earth’s dedication to sustainability. This groundbreaking collection utilizes quarry remnants and stones that would otherwise be discarded, drastically reducing waste. By repurposing these materials, we not only minimize environmental impact but also showcase the innovative spirit driving our sustainable journey. The Barococo Series stands as a proud symbol of our efforts to create a more sustainable future in the stone industry.
discover Barococo series